We have BIG plans to beautify our property and make it an inviting, purposeful community engagement space.
A couple years ago we began removing all the invasive buckthorn — an on-going challenge for sure — and were reminded how beautiful the lands around the building are. A true gift of nature. Since then, we have been planning, discussing, investigating and collaborating with community partners, neighbours, the Town of Oakville and our parish community to create a natural meditation/worship area in the wooded area cornering Old Abbey Lane and Milton Rd. This area would be connected to the existing pathways next to the parking lot entrance and eventually lead to naturalized gardens surrounding the front entrance.
The next phase of our beautification began on Saturday, July 16 when, with the help of Halton Environmental Network and Green Communities Canada, 20 volunteers, and a small BobCat braved the rain and removed two full dumpsters of asphalt around the front entrance of the church. The project is part of an initiative called “Depave Paradise” by Green Communities Canada.
Depave Paradise addresses the proliferation of hard surfaces in urban environments through the act of ripping up unused pavement and replacing it with soil and vegetation.
Removing pavement and replacing it with native plants, trees and shrubs provides many environmental benefits:
• Naturally cools urban areas.
• Restores the natural water cycle.
• Absorbs rainfall and reduces the risk of flooding.
• Creates habitat for native birds, pollinators, and animals.
• Asserts a calming influence through cooling and beautification.
• Builds awareness, skills and motivation to create more resilient neighbourhoods
It’s difficult to express just how thankful we are for all the support we have received for this project. It is a big undertaking and we believe it will make an immeasurable difference to the community. If you’d like to support our plans, you can make a donation through CanadaHelps and choose the community garden fund.