Few people are in greater need of human rights protection than Indigenous peoples. Globally, about 370 million Indigenous people face widespread systemic discrimination, impoverishment, ill health, and dispossession of their lands and resources. Although governments have a duty and responsibility to ensure the welfare and safety of all their citizens, Indigenous peoples are often subject…

Join us for an evening of stories on Thursday, June 17, and learn what “Incarnation is”. More details and other news can be found in the weekly newsletter by clicking here.

This Sunday is the feast of Pentecost, that glorious final day of the season of resurrection. The apostles were together experiencing bewilderment over how to move forward when the Holy Spirit flows among them and breathes courage into their hearts. Click here to read the Pentecost Sunday newsletter

Bishop Susan Bell is delighted to announce that the Reverend Jeff Potter has accepted role of diocesan missioner, on a 2/3 time basis. Building upon the discipling work and faith practices of the established Church, the diocesan missioner’s objective is to increase the capacity and passion for missional opportunities and initiatives, to support and equip…

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